Monday, February 25, 2008

Aubrey's Ideas on What To Do When You're Bored

I get bored a looot, and I often do these to quench my thirst- I mean boredom. xD
The starred are especially awesome and would be especially pleasing to Aubrey if you did them.
Things to do if your bored (Aubrey's ideas):
  • Go on Youtube and search Fred, and you will experience HILARITY! No really. Do it. It's fuuunnnnnnnnny. The only one I didn't REALLY like was the Christmas one.
  • Read the Artemis Fowl series. It's literally the best series in the WORLD!***
  • Make a paper doll. No joke. It's hecka fun.
  • Come over to Aubrey's house and play 007 with her. It's a shooting game, and it's oober fun. The best version is Slappers Only! where when you slap someone once they die. xD
  • Buy a colorful cactus plant. 'Nuff said.
  • Go around in a turkey costume and take pictures- preferably at a bus stop with and old man sitting next to you.
  • Make a song about your favorite number. Post it on the blog or email it to me at***
  • Make a slideshow about yourself or me.
  • Go to
  • Go to
  • Write a story about me, Aubrey, and then send it to me at xD***
  • Memorize the words to Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
  • Dance in your backyard.
  • Play Crimson Room... or one of it's sequels.
  • Make up a list of ideas for other people to do when they're bored. Post it on the blog or put it as a comment to this post.***
That's all I got for now. I might add on later.


Aubrey said...

Did I mention that naming everything you pass by is fun also? x3

Jen Grimshaw said...

Hi Mikki This is your favorite cousin in Utah. I found your blog through Kayla's!! I hope that you are doing good, and I love ya!!