Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Exciting day at Expanding your Horizons

At the moment I'm at a science thingy majiger for girls called EXPANDING YOUR HORIZONS.
I gotta say im impressed at all the jobs there are in the world. This activity or seminar or whatever it is, is mainly to point out to girls that we can do science and math and be great. Its not all for boys. The last class i took was one called "Life in a Vacuum" it was super fun and i got to blow up peeps and marshmallows. My next class will be potions and i shall tell u bout that later. ADIOS MIS AMIGOS


ciccius said...

very interesting i gotta say. Re my post where i try to create South Park characters out of my friends, i totally agree with you. It is a very stupid show Lol. i saw only 2 or 3 episode totally hahaha

xmcx said...

you had a potion class?
lol! the closest i had was chemistry. boring as usual, we dont get to do any experiments!
anyways, woo-hoo! go science!

Aubrey said...

I wanna blow up peeps... T_T