Thursday, May 15, 2008

Aubrey's Official "Life is Unfair" Rant

I'm grumpy. Here's why:
  • I've got a really bad sore throat and a cough and my choir concert is in two days. And I have a few small groups I have to sing in too.
  • When I was on iTunes, (spending my gift cards) I was going to buy a song from Maroon 5, but then I accidentally bought the whole ALBUM. So now I only have $3 left of gift card. WAH.
  • It's SO HOT. And I have the smallest room in the house so that makes it even hotter.

Wow. That's actually all the main problems. But they add up and make me INSANELY MAD!!!

Okay, so I know that was ridiculous and everything, but oh well.

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